Wednesday, May 27, 2009

:: The Silence Boycott ::


I don't care much.

Still, i need you to read this.

It doesnt matter whether it takes only u or the whole bunch of your 'bijak pandai overly sensitive' group to boycott me for God knows whatever reason.

I am not here to pleased anyone.

I am not PERFECT, neither do you.

There will always a thin line between being FIRM and RUDE.

I don't want to be the latter, as i still have a lil respect for you.

Therefore, do not i repeat DO NOT force me to.

I will have nothing to loose if i lost you.


Pink Marie said...


manjang pms nie haha. apekehel ni yeop?

Tun Jusoh Patail said...


Unknown said...

mek : manusia nih macam2 peel nyer. Ada yang nak kena sanjung bagai raja. Too bad, m not one of the peeps yang leh memuaskan hati mereka.

jusoh : hiyark..hiyakk

Dory said...

pms pms... i pon pms nii.. haihhh

Unknown said...

i belom....bakal2....

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