Thursday, February 04, 2010

:: Shame On You ::

Psst..psst...first and foremost, forgive me blog for not giving the attention required lately. I'm not gonna give you a long list of excuses as i know it should be me to be blamed no matter what.Shame on me for running back to you to share all this. What can i say, you are such a good listener. *sigh*

2010 kick-off with a great beginning. Oh shoot! I have not update you on my holiday to the Land of Borneo, haven't i? Ok ok...i'll do that later. Promise.

There are few unpleasant thoughts running through my mind at this moment. Thanks to the workloads and the Jokers. Should i elaborate more? I don't think so. Be real, folks. Don't you have better things to do rather than bad-mouth about other people? Don't you think you are too old for Serena Van D wannabe?

Get yourself a mirror and learn to see your own reflection once a while. Manage to spot wrinkles, freckles? That's the universal sign for you to stop bitching. Still, to keep you happy...let me tell u this:
"I am here for your entertainment". Wait. At least, that's what Mr. Lambert's said.

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