Setiap hari kita makan. Ada yang hidup untuk makan, ada yang makan untuk hidup. Ada yang suka daging, ada yang makan ikan. Setengah orang suka ulam, ada pula yang terkulat2 bila disuruh telan. Untuk cK sendiri, ulam yang berdaun cK boleh terima lagi. That would include : ulam raja, pucuk pegaga, pucuk paku, daun selom, pucuk jambu. Tapi jenis yang berbau2 macam petai, jering, kerdas tu semua cK lemah betol nak hadam. In fact, cK akan buat2 tak nampak kewujudannya di atas meja makan.
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Healthy food that i like - Shrimp & avocado |
Ulam selalunya dimakan dengan sambal belacan, budu, tempoyak atau cencaluk. Ni pun satu lagi hal. So far, cK boleh telan semua kecuali budu. Makan menda2 ni kena secara moderate lah. Tak boleh selalu, dan tak boleh nak makan dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Tinggi kandungan garamnya. Kena pula melawat tuan doktor.
Baru-baru ni cK nampak ada banyak post di FB atau Twitter menyeru dan mengalu-alukan permakanan yang seimbang. Well, its not exactly about your food intake tapi ramai yang nak k-u-r-u-s. To be honest, I am and will not eating right to be skinny. I just want to be healthy with an ideal weight. By saying ideal, your 40kg or her 50kg might not be the best for my figure.
Speaking of figure, tipulah kalau cK kata i don't givadem to look good. And in this land of discrimination for the plus size, i must admit that finding the right size is difficult. Be it your slack, blouse or the best of all - office wears. Muat kat bahu, ketat kat perut. Dapat masuk betis, tak lepas nak tutup punggung. Lucky me to have Papa as tailor. Leh gak beli kain minta jahit apa patut. For those yang tak berapa lucky, keep looking. You may find the booth / kiosk in shopping complex have more to offer than the major stores made for the thin. Guess this is a new business opportunity awaiting to be explored by our designers. Fashion for skinny are so lame and basi, do something for the plus size will ya?
People used to say, you are what you eat. Thus, if you are not eating anything at all, what will that makes you? Maksudnya disini adalah, cK tak percaya dengan berlapar semata2 boleh jadi slim shaddy. You must eat, but less. Kan dalam agama dah kata "Makan ketika lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang". Tak suruh pun "berlapar bila nak makan, jangan berhenti selagi tak kenyang". Odd. Orang asyik nampak nak skip meals which is totally wrong. You shouldn't skip your meals. You should be eating on time and take a balance diet. That's all. If you cant control yourself, no any other things can.
Nak lagi cepat? Kenalah bersenam. I do have issue with that. Vitamin M banyak sangat. So takyah cakap banyak, memang silap sendiri. But i constantly have this belief that I need to loose some weight before i can be fit for any exercise. Dang! Oklah, sit up wont harm. A brisk walk will help. Lets start with something simple, real and be constant. Double dang! Constant. yes, i have to learn to deal with that. Climbing up and down the average of 150 anak tangga everyday seems to be a good start, didn't it? sekurang-kurangnya cK dah boleh berlari naik turun tangga dah sekarang.
I might sound poyo for saying this, but i have no intention to become skinny, kurus melidi. Never in my dictionary. And because you want to, does not makes you better than me. Period.
Me oso dun like ulam. Me dun like sayur. Me makan sayur ikut mood. Gitu.
I like ulam. i like green. but i dun like smelly things. huhu!
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